Friday, December 14, 2012

Overcoming Evil

Two things happened today. Two very important things. Two very different things. Late this afternoon, I went to share some Christmas spirit with the nursing home residents here in my small Nebraska community. I hadn’t wanted to go, even though I promised myself that I would visit there once a week, there was a part of me that just didn’t want to visit today. But I’m so glad I did because the second thing that happened today made me want to crawl into a little cave and never come out.  I received a phone call just as I was pulling out of the nursing home parking lot. That’s when I found out about the shooting. Another one. At an elementary school. What? Children, the innocents of our society, gunned down in a place that should be full of happiness and hope and sunshine – school. My first reaction? What is wrong with this country? Are we safe anywhere? Church, Home, School, Grocery store, Shopping mall?

Even as I write this tears are welling up in my eyes. I can’t believe this. I can’t believe this awful thing has happened again. I can’t believe, don’t want to believe, that parents just like me have to face this nightmare - their child mercilessly killed at the hands of a stranger. They now face the first Christmas of many without their little ones, their babies, their loves.

I have to admit that when my husband told me, I wanted to crawl into my bed, cover my head and never come out. Never. This world is so dark, so evil, so scary sometimes. I just don’t want to face the reality that is playing across television screens everywhere tonight. Children killed in school. How much worse does it get than that?

Then, a memory and a bible verse pulled me out of the dark, made me remember something important, very important. It’s a short verse but it packs a powerful punch when you feel like you just can’t keep going in such a dark and scary world.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

 If there was ever such a thing as evil this horrific act was one.

Then, the memory. I thought back to that Christmas party. A simple thing really. Santa, some music, festive decorations, food and drinks. And me. This happy memory lived out just moments ago brought back into focus something that we as believers in Christ need to hold fast to. Even on the darkest of days.

Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.

I have two memories today. One good. One evil. And with these memories there comes a choice. Do I cower in fear, trembling, afraid of all the darkness surrounding us these days? Or do I choose to remember that I brought a smile to someone’s face when I offered them punch today. I made someone laugh when I told them a joke. I gave someone the gift of hope when I talked with them about the true meaning of Christmas. I cheered someone up just by smiling at them. It’s those memories I’m going to choose to keep at the forefront of my heart, thoughts and feelings today.

Jesus told us that we are the light of the world. Don’t be overcome by the evil all around you. Be God’s light. Shine in the places He has placed you. You’re there for a reason. Share Him. Share Jesus. It’s the only light than can overcome any darkness. Don’t be overcome by evil. Let your light shine in your little corner of the world. The people you share your light with may be cowering in a very dark corner of their own mind, heart or spirit. Bring them into the light. Let them know that even in this world there is hope.

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