Whether we’re standing in a grocery line behind a woman with dozens of coupons and a long list of price matches, or going through the drive thru at our favorite fast food restaurant and it’s taking more than 5 minutes (gasp), we don’t want to be patient. We don’t want to wait. So what shall we call it - impatience, the tyranny of the urgent ? I think C.S. Lewis nailed it when he said this, “If there’s a spirit of hell, it’s the spirit of distraction.”
I blame
technology – and all of the devices that distract us day in and day out. The ones
that allow us to have a disjointed conversation with a facebook friend we don’t
really know, rather than a real one with the person across the table from us. And
a question arises - is all this new technology - these urgent mobile device and
pads and whatever else that's out there, are they really serving us or are we simply
bowing down to the god of the immediate – instant gratification. I guess I’m
not saying that all technology is wrong. In and of themselves these devices can’t
do anything. No, it’s not the devices that give us so much trouble it’s what we
do with them.
Do some soul-searching and ask yourself a few questions. Are
these devices a distraction at your family’s dinner table? Do you find yourself
checking your phone every two minutes to get the latest updates, or weather
reports, or facebook posts? Maybe, just maybe, you might want to put that
mobile device down during dinnertime. Better yet, turn it off for the evening.
Be. Just be. Be with the ones you love - not distractedly but fully engaged in
whatever conversation you’re having.
Set yourself
free from the tyranny of the urgent. Make time for the people that really
matter in your life. Remember this. Your phone may give you the latest facebook
updates, the ability to watch funny u-tube videos or any other number of
wonderful distractions, but it won’t give you a hug and a kiss at the end of
the day or tell you it loves you. That’s
a family thing - and family should
always come before phones.
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