You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in you. Isaiah 26:3
Today was one of those, "Calgon, take me away" days. I had a hard time following my own advice; don't wish your days away. Really, I would be okay if my kids were, say, three or four years older than they are. Oh dear! What is it about preschoolers and toddlers that makes you feel like you're living in the midst of a tornado, clinging onto anything for dear life. And I mean anything. The above verse is one that I've been clinging to this evening. I don't know about you but I have trouble living in perfect peace. Every little worry, concern, event, catastrophe, mishap calls out for my attention all day long. I feel myself being sucked into a vortex of worry, fear, and yes, my favorite - anxiety.
How does one obtain perfect peace; is it even really possible? Well, with God all things are possible so I suppose this state of mind is possible too. One story about Jesus that I love, is the story of when he was asleep in a boat in the midst of a storm. And, I mean, it must have been some storm; the disciples were terrified. (Matthew 8:24a The disciples went and woke him, saying "Master, Master, we're going to drown.") I mean really, was Jesus deaf or something, or was he just that tired? Who could sleep through a storm like that, much less sleep in a storm? Now that's perfect peace.
Matthew 8:24b [Jesus] got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. Just like that; "Where is your faith." Okay, who has faith like that? Well, apparently Jesus did. He trusted his Father completely. He had that perfect peace because he knew who was taking care of him. What's more he knew that with a single word, the storm could be stopped.
Yeah, that's the part I have trouble with. You see, in the midst of the storms of life, I struggle to keep my mind off the storm. It's what I think about, stew about, fixate on. But maybe I should take a cue from Jesus, find a way to block out the noise of the storm, and rest peacefully in my Father's care.
Must go now. I think the little tornadoes are tearing our living room apart. Hoping this is one of the storms that can be stopped quickly.
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