Potty Training - Day 1
6:30 am - Wake up bright and early! (Lay in bed as long as possible dreading the fact that pt-day has finally arrived.)
6:35 am - Take a very soggy pull-up off a little bottom and throw the smelly, disgusting thing in the trash. (Are we finally done with those nasty things?)
7:30 am - First accident in the bathroom (Good, no carpeting, I can handle this.)
8:00 am - First successful attempt at pottying in the toilet. (Yay, high fives all around.)
9:00 am - Drag a screaming, kicking three-year-old to the toilet. (She goes; it was worth the fight.)
10:00 am - Dress the cooperative (not) little girl in her favorite dress, telling her that if she doesn't go in the toilet her pretty dress will get all wet.
The rest of the morning - accident free (woo-hoo) the Pretty Dress Scheme worked! (Yes, I know - I'm brilliant.)
12:00 pm - Fill the girl with chocolate milk hoping her little bladder will cooperate so that she will have to "go" before nap time
12:45 pm - Chocolate Milk Scheme not so successful.
1:00 pm - Nap time. (Yes!)
3:15 pm - Nap time is over. (Boo!)
3:45 pm - Discover that my daughter has just peed into one of our air vents. (I thought it was a little suspicious that she was sitting directly on the vent, but figured she was just enjoying the hot air coming up.)
3:46 pm - Note to self: Keep her away from all vents in the house from now on.
4:30 pm - Go for a bike ride. May as well, it's probably the only time she will get to ride a bike naked from the waist down. (Don't worry, she was wearing a dress so that none of her "private parts" were showing. I'm not that bad of a mom.)
5:15 pm - Fourth accident of the day, in her brother's room no less. (That's all right. He's christened it a time or two late at night when he was too groggy to make it to the bathroom.)
6:00 pm - First bowel movement in the potty chair. (Smells nasty when I dump it, but I'll take it any day over wiping the squishy stuff off her little bottom. Sorry, TMI?)
7:30 pm - Prepare for bed. (Unsuccessful attempt at pottying one last time.)
8:00 pm - Put night-time underwear (that's code for pull-ups) on her (not me), and breathe a sigh of relief that Day 1 is over!
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