I've been struggling with a positive self-concept since the day I was born. I probably came out of my mom's womb wailing because I didn't have the perfect nose. So I guess this idea of being perfect is still rolling around inside my brain.
A book of the Bible that I've been thinking a lot about lately is the Song of Songs. Really a hard book to understand, but if you take the time to look into it, it's quite beautiful. One verse that has become a particular favorite is Song of Songs 4:7 You are so beautiful, my beloved, so perfect in every part. (NLT) There's that word perfect again. But for some reason, in this verse, I'm glad it's the word that's chosen - perfect. What must that be like to be viewed by God as being perfect, not kind of okay, not tolerable, not just good, but perfect. Perfect to the very fiber of my being.
In my last post I looked into this idea of perfect versus good, writing about how hung up I get on trying to be perfect. But in this case it's not me who's hung up on perfect - it's God. He's calling me perfect, not just perfect, but perfect in every part. And lest you think me bold to say that God thinks I'm perfect, take a look at another verse. Hebrews 10:14 because by one sacrifice [Jesus] has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Yes, I'm still a mess in many ways as anyone who reads this blog can clearly testify to, but because of Jesus' sacrifice I'm now viewed by God as being perfect. No, not just viewed; I am perfect.
You know what? That kind of takes the pressure off. It kind of gives me hope. It definitely tells me that I am deeply and dearly loved. And you want to hear the best part of all of this; YOU, are so beautiful in his sight, too. YOU, are so perfect in every part, too. After all, this is a verse to share, not to hoard. It was meant for all of us from the very beginning - to be perfectly perfect. Not just now, but for eternity.
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