Wednesday, February 13, 2013

1.     John 5:17

In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”

Have you ever thought about God working? Kind of an interesting thought, isn’t it? Up until a few years ago, whenever I thought of God, I pictured him as a king sitting on his throne, not really doing anything except, well, watching us. But, lately, I’ve been wondering, does God make plans. Does He have an end goal in mind, and does He know exactly how to get it to work?

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Jesus even said it. God is working to this very day. Kind of a cool thought.  I had a skewed vision of God when I believed that, since creation, he’s been sitting on his throne just hanging out. And while the Bible does speak of God sitting on his throne, it’s wrong to think that He’s just hanging out in the passive sense. Because I very much believe that God is active here and now. Active. Working. Solving. Doing.

What’s more, his work is good. Think about creation. Everything God made was good, right? But I’ve often wondered, if tigers weren’t supposed to eat gazelles, why did God give them sharp claws and teeth; or why does an iguana have to change colors to blend into its surroundings. Why do humans have sharp teeth if all we were meant to eat is plants? In other words, why the default? If creation was perfect, why the back-up plan?

Well, I believe that’s exactly what it was meant to be; a back-up plan. God knew, knew that things could go either way. He had a plan for that. If things went bad, He knew tigers would need claws and iguanas would need camouflage. The wisdom of creation is that God was prepared for the best, and the worst, of outcomes. That’s who God is.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Do you ever wonder about your own life? Does God truly work everything for our good? As you sit there and ponder that question, look back at the above verse. There’s that word, that beautiful word, work.  Scripture outright says it: God is working. He has a back-up plan for your life. No matter the way you’ve chosen up to this point, evil, good, or something in-between, God is at work and should you give him your life, He is putting that plan into action even as I type this. Trust him. Believe him. God is at work and, as we know from the marvel that is creation, His work is good.

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