Tuesday, April 16, 2013

simple things

Last week, I got schooled by my husband and, I have to say, it’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. Because my husband is working on his health, he’s often fixing his own meals; including lots of fruits and vegetables and the occasional frozen entrée.  That leaves the rest of us to eat whatever we want. This past weekend, I stopped at the local grocery store because I was craving a steak; a big, old, tender piece of meat. When I got home, I couldn’t wait to fire up the George Foreman. As the scent of the deliciousness filled the air, my salivary glands kicked into high gear. I couldn’t wait to eat.

When the steak was grilled to medium-rare perfection, I took a bite ready to savor every delectable bit. But instead of the lusciousness I was expecting, I got a mouthful of chew. I was so frustrated. I’d paid good money for this steak; how dare it be chewy. The first thing that came out of my mouth was, “Wow. This meat is really tough.” My husband who had just finished his frozen box dinner looked at me in surprise. “When did you become so picky about your food?”

There went my complaining out the window. He was right. When had I become this finicky? Millions of kids all over the world would have gladly traded their hunger pains for my dinner. And, it got me to thinking, what other things do I complain about as being sub-par. In this case, it was my dinner, but I’m pretty sure food isn’t the only thing I grumble about when things aren’t quite up to my standards.

Like the stop light that seems to last for hours.

Or the kid at the drive-thru who gets my order wrong.

Not enough money in our bank account.

Or the fact that my car isn’t the fastest or coolest on the block.

The t-shirt that doesn’t last as long as I think it should.

And, this one really gets to me, my slow computer.

The list could go on and on; I’m barely scratching the surface. What, indeed, has made me so darn picky and so unappreciative?  For me, what it all boils down to is discontent. I have so much, and, yet, I want so much more. So many gifts are given to me every day that, sometimes, I forget my manners – simple thanks to the Giver of all good things. If I sat down and wrote a list of all my daily blessings, there wouldn’t be enough books in the world to contain them.

The air I breathe.

The sun’s majestic rise and fall.

Spring showers.

The abundance of food in my pantry and freezer.

May flowers.

Happy and healthy kids.

A spouse who supports and encourages me to follow my dreams.

I think you get the point. So, this week, a challenge. The moment you begin to gripe or complain about something because it’s not quite what you wanted, remember the simple things. Simple things that we all take for granted. Simple things that come from the bounty of all the Lord blesses us with each and every day.

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