noun, plural -ties.2. freedom from complexity, intricacy, or division into parts: an organism of great simplicity.
Found a great song that was once one of my favorites called Simple Heart by Geoff Moore. Been thinking about it a lot lately. Namely because, in this complicated world, it's good to remember what really matters.
And life in 2011 is pretty complicated, isn't it? Cell phones, ipads, internet, 24 hour news channels, activities galore, 40+ hour work weeks. Juggling all of it has become quite a challenge. And with the holidays just around the corner, life is about to get even more complicated.
John and I started a small group at our church. It's been a wonderful thing for us to be involved in. As we've tried to gain new members though, we've noticed something. A lot of families are so busy that giving up even two nights a month is too much to ask. People just feel overcommitted, and, when you're feeling that way, it's easy to forget what's really important.
I think Jesus understood the demands of a comlex world. Even in his time there were ways to make life a little bit more complicated then it needed to be. Look at poor Martha. (Luke 10: 38-42). All she wanted to do was serve a great meal to honor and provide for Jesus and his followers. Her heart was in the right place. But while she was working hard, she noticed something. Her sister, Mary, wasn't doing a thing to help. Good old Mary, just sitting at Jesus' feet listening to what he taught. How annoying! How unfair! Well, Martha knew that if anyone could set her sister straight it was going to be Jesus.
Luke 11: 40 . . . Martha was worrying over over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me." (NLT)
Jesus' answer?
vs. 41 My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it - and I won't take it away from her."
I know I've shared the Mary/Martha story before, but I think its worth repeating especially with the holidays coming on. From finding the perfect gift for everyone, to baking all the Christmas goodies, to mailing out the Christmas cards on time, the month of December can be a cruel taskmaster. It's like trying to stuff eleven months of work into 25 days.
But does it really have to be so complex? In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if I give Uncle Herman a green tie or a blue one? Do I have to stand in line for hours ensuring that my kids get the latest video game? Do I have to have a four course meal on the most important day of the year.? All of these things are nice, yes. But are they necessary, really necessary?
Here's my encouragement and challenge for the upcoming season. Do some things, your favorite things, but find a way to simplify a bit more. Find a way to let your heart be quiet for awhile. Make time to read the story that all this hub-bub of Christmas is supposed to be about. Find a way to make this holiday season just a little bit less complex, a little more simple.
sim·ple (s

adj. sim·pler, sim·plest
1. Having or composed of only one thing, element, or part.
After all, the most important part of Christmas, the simple part, has nothing to do with meals, presents, parties, or letters. No, the most important part has to do with that tiny baby lying in a manger. He is the "thing, element, part" of the season that will never be taken from us. Mary had discovered it. Maybe it's time we discover it too.
After all, the most important part of Christmas, the simple part, has nothing to do with meals, presents, parties, or letters. No, the most important part has to do with that tiny baby lying in a manger. He is the "thing, element, part" of the season that will never be taken from us. Mary had discovered it. Maybe it's time we discover it too.
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