Wednesday, June 27, 2012

that crazy memory

Ecclesiastes 12:1a Remember your Creator in the days of your youth. 

I don’t know about you but I have a terrible memory.  The kind where I go to tell someone something, but mid-sentence I forget what it is that I was going to say. Or I go upstairs for something, and by the time I’ve reached the second floor, I’m completely clueless about why I climbed those stairs.  So frustrating! I chalk it up to being the busy mom of two kids.  At least that sounds like a good excuse.

I don’t think I’m the only one who struggles with short term memory or long term memory loss for that matter.  Apparently, we as humans have very short-lived memories.   There are several places in the Bible where God tells us to remember things – important things.  The above verse that I started out with is probably one of my favorites when it comes to the reminder to recall all that God has done for us. 

The verse comes from Ecclesiastes a book that was written by one of the greatest men who ever lived – King Solomon.  Remember that guy?  He was the one who asked for wisdom when God promised to grant him any request.  God was so pleased with his request that he made a special promise to Solomon. 

“Since you asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked.  I will give you a wise and discerning heart so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.  Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for – both riches and honor – so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings.” 

Guess what?  God kept his promise.  In time Solomon became so famous that even the queen of Sheba came to visit him. (1 Kings 10:1)  God was faithful to his word.  See, it’s not God who has trouble remembering.  No, God isn’t the forgetful one.  We are.  Even Solomon had a poor memory.  At the height of his glory, Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines.  Many of them worshipped foreign gods.  God had warned the Israelites about this – that if they intermarried with other nations, their hearts would surely turn away from Him.  And in Solomon’s case that’s exactly what happened. 

1 Kings 11:4  As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God as the heart of David his father had been.

Even the wisest man who ever lived forgot to remember.  Throughout the Bible there are examples of man’s forgetful nature.  And in my own life, I’ve found one thing to be very true, it’s when things are going fine that it’s easiest to forget about God.

Psalm 1:45 Though your riches increase do not set your heart on them. 

When I was going through some rough times, I believed that better times were coming, I just didn’t know when they would come.  But before I even got there, God planted this truth in my heart.  It was like he was telling me, times will get better, but don’t forget about me.  I don’t know about you but it’s much easier to forget about God when things are going well.  When life is tough and rough and down-right dirty, those are the times when I cling to him like crazy. 

But what about now, now that things are better for me.  I have to admit it takes more discipline to pray and read scripture.  See, I don’t really feel like I need God when things are going well.  Life is smooth, easy, not a cloud in the sky.  That’s why God told me – “Though your riches increase do not set your heart on them.”

I’ll close with one last thought, one last story from the Bible.  It’s about those Israelites, those dog-gone Israelites. Theirs is another great example of how easy it is to forget about God.  He’d led the Israelites out of the desert and into the Promised Land.  Keeping his vow to give them this land “flowing with milk and honey”, God went before them and routed out their enemies. He didn’t forget.  Unfortunately, for the Israelites, they did. Yup, they failed to recall all that God had done for them.  He’d led them through the Dead Sea, pummeled the Egyptians who were chasing them, given them manna from heaven and water from the most unlikely places but still they forgot.  God remembered just like he always does.  They forgot just like they always did.  Much like we do today.

So learn a lesson from those dog-gone Israelites, and from the wisdom of Solomon’s pen.  Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, because I’ll guarantee he hasn’t forgotten you. 

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