Tuesday, April 29, 2014


noun \pər-ˈspek-tiv\

b :  the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance <trying to maintain my perspective>

This past weekend my husband and I flew to D.C. for a cousin’s wedding. Honestly, up until a month ago, we had decided not to go. We felt it was too expensive—especially for our family of four. But, upon further reflection, my husband and I looked back at our own wedding day and remembered that having so many family and friends there to celebrate with us was pure blessing. 

Our first good decision was to forget about the cost of the trip and dwell on the fact that we love our cousins and wanted to celebrate with them. That first good decision was followed by our second good decision—to leave the kids at home with Grandma.

We had a blast and because of that trip I was able to gain perspective on a huge part of my life; I really love my husband—a lot. On the trip, I realized that we are more than the parents of Jack and Katie. We are married because we are devoted to each other. My husband is my best friend, and I don’t just love him, I like him.

It’s all about perspective, isn’t it? For a few days, I was able to step out of my role as stay-at-home mom  and it felt good. And as our plane soared high above the earth carrying us back home, I looked down, not upon the ground but upon my own life. 

I became conscious of the fact that it’s healthy, even necessary, to step out of one’s daily routine. It’s kind of like flying above the everyday life we sometimes trudge through and gaining perspective as we gaze down at the lives we’ve created for ourselves. 

noun \pər-ˈspek-tiv\

b :  the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance <trying to maintain my perspective>

So the next time you get to step away from your day-to-day routine, enjoy that out-of-body experience that is perspective. Glance down at your life and realize that you are more than the sum of your parts. As you soar above the monotony of everyday life, remember what’s important, truly important, and let that be your guide everyday.

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