Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the crazy life . . . or is it?

So, a couple of friends have persuaded me to start a blog.  I hate technology - hate it!  But, I love to write. So, therein lies the problem.  Do I conquer my technology fears in order to write something for others to read.  And, if I do write, what should it be about?  A friend shared that a blog should be a place where one shares their expertise in a particular area.  When I think about what I'm an expert at, only a few things come to mind.  Well, actually only one thing comes to mind.  What am I an expert at?  Really?  I'm an expert at being crazy.  Laugh, if you will, but it's true.  I am actually, certifiably, crazy.  Only a few of my close friends know this about me, so I can't believe that I'm sharing this with any and every person who will read this, but I have the bipolar disorder.  I am bipolar.  I hate admitting that to people.  I always feel so judged.  Mostly, it's because when someone commits a heinous crime, the comment is often made that they had/have some type of mental illness.  So, I fall into this category where if you're labeled it, you're often thought to be just plain "crazy."   But, I don't like labels, and, to be quite honest - I don't think anyone who has a mental illness should be judged by some label.  I live a fairly normal, stable life in a small community in the midwest.  I watch these terrible crimes that are commited and wonder what the person who committed the crime was thinking right before they carried out their act?  And, I'll tell you what,  I thank the Lord that I have been diagnosed, and medicated to the point that I am not sitting in a jail cell somewhere.  Because, let me tell you something, I could easily have been.  So, come along for the ride, if you will and let me share my "crazy" story of life with you. 


  1. I hereby label you and judge you to be a "terrific writer" and a "valued friend." Congratulations on beginning your blog journey, I'm thrilled to be your first blog follower!

  2. You are showing great strength in sharing your story, good for you!! We are all traveling this road together, my friend! And it surely leads to Something very special! I wish you peace in your mind and body. Take care, Jennifer
